Ostenil Injection

An Ostenil Injection is a Hyaluronic Acid Injection, a product used to treat Osteoarthritis. 

Osteoarthritis is a condition where joint synovial fluid starts to degrade and the joint cartilage starts to degenerate, causing pain, swelling, and reduced mobility. 

Hyaluronic Acid injections are injectable substances that are designed to try and restore the normal balance of synovial fluid in healthy joints. 

Hyaluronic acid plays a crucial role in lubricating and cushioning the various joints in the body effectively acting as a shock absorber

The process of injecting hyaluronic acid into joints affected by osteoarthritis is called Viscosupplementation.

Research has found that Viscosupplementation with Ostenil Injection in the knees may delay the need for surgery.

The purpose of an Ostenil injection into a joint affected by Osteoarthritis is to relieve pain and improve joint function in people with osteoarthritis. 

How is Ostenil produced

Ostenil is often produced through a process known as bacterial fermentation and produces Sodium Hyaluronate, a type of hyaluronic Acid.

This resulting product can be used in orthopaedic applications such as Osteoarthritis, Knee Meniscus, Shoulder or Hip Labral tears.

Background of Ostenil Injection

The history of Ostenil injection can be traced back to scientific research aimed at developing groundbreaking solutions for joint-related issues. 

The primary component of Ostenil, hyaluronic acid, was discovered several decades ago and sparked interest in its potential therapeutic applications. 

Scientists explored its benefits, particularly for joint health, and the concept of injecting hyaluronic acid into joints to alleviate pain and enhance mobility emerged. 

TRB Chemedica, a Swiss pharmaceutical company specialising in various medical areas, played a pivotal role in refining and introducing Ostenil as a safe and effective treatment for osteoarthritis. 

Thanks to ongoing research and supporting scientific evidence, Ostenil has become a well-established option for managing joint discomfort and improving joint function, whilst slowing degenerative change, without resorting to invasive procedures.

What are the Benefits of Ostenil in Sports and Athletes

Ostenil injections have gained popularity among athletes, seeking relief from joint discomfort caused by rigorous physical activities.

With hyaluronic acid as the key component, these injections provide improved joint lubrication and cushioning, reducing friction, alleviating pain, and enhancing mobility for better performance on the field. 

The non-surgical nature and minimal side effects make Ostenil an attractive choice for athletes looking to maintain joint health and return swiftly to training and competitions. 

Incorporating injury prevention strategies Pre-hab, conditioning exercises, and recovery protocols further support joint health and overall athletic performance.

What can an Ostenil Injection be used for

Ostenil is occasionally used as a treatment option for meniscus and labral tears in certain cases. 

This is because meniscus or labral tears can result in joint degeneration, and hyaluronic acid has an important role to play in slowing down the rate at which this degeneration may occur.

While it is primarily known for its effectiveness in managing Osteoarthritis-related joint pain, some clinicians may explore using Ostenil injections to provide lubrication and support for the healing process after surgical repair of knee meniscus or procedures involving labral tears. 

However, it is important to note that Ostenil’s use in this context may vary based on the severity and type of tear, and its efficacy is not as well-established as in osteoarthritis cases. 

How is Ostenil Usually Used

Ostenil injections are most typically used in weight-bearing Synovial joints, such as the Hip/Knee or Shoulder.

These joints endure substantial stress during physical activities and are more susceptible to degeneration or undiagnosed labral tears or degenerative meniscus pathology. 

Ostenil can offer benefits by enhancing joint lubrication and cushioning.

The decision to use Ostenil for meniscus or labral tears and its specific application should be made by the clinical after a careful examination.

In the UK, Ostenil is licensed use in most Joints and even Tendon Sheaths. Researchhas shown efficacy in tenosynovitis and tennis elbow.

Ostenil tendon is now licensed for the treatment of pain and restricted mobility in tendons with or without a tendon sheath. 

Research has shown it works in Achilles tendon pathology, Rotator cuff tendon tendinopathy, patella tendon, peroneal tendon and IT band issues.

Ostenil acts as a lubricant when applied into the tendon sheath and can theoretically decrease pain and stiffness, enhance tendon gliding and reduce adhesions between tendons.

Research has also shown it to tendon recovery and wound healing.

Research involving Ostenil Injection

With so many different hyaluronic acid brands being available on the market with a big difference in pricing, an interesting debate is often if one type of hyaluronic acid is more effective than the other.

Research over the years has compared Ostenil to other well known brands of Hyaluronic Acid

Dernek et al (2016) compared Ostenil Plus against Monovisc (both single-dose hyaluronic acid injections with different structures) in patients with early-stage knee osteoarthritis involving 74 patients.

Both preparations were effective in terms of pain and function starting at 1 month post injection and continuing to 6 months post injection.

Comparison of the groups revealed no significant difference except in the level of stiffness.

The improvement in stiffness Ostenil PLUS® was first noted at 1 month with both MonoVisc and Ostenil Plus but persisted for longer in the Ostenil Injection group.

It was concluded that patients in the Ostenil Plus® group benefited more in terms of knee stiffness longer term than MonoVisc

To summarise the study

Ostenil Plus vs Monovisc:

    • No statistical significance in difference between pain scores

    • Ostenil Plus outperformed Monovisc for in terms of stiffness at the 3 and 6 month mark

    • Two adverse reactions with Monovisc VS none with Ostenil Plus

Ostenil V Synvisc

A more in depth study involving 288 injections compared Ostenil Plus to Hyaglan GF 20 which is a high molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid. The brand name for the Hyaglan GF 20 is Synvisc One

The 288 subjects were split into two groups with 142 receiving Ostenil Plus and 146 receiving Synvisc One

These patients had Knee Osteoarthritis from Stage 1-3 and were not allowed to use NSAIDS or have any steroid injections for 6 months following the injection

Both groups showed a significant decrease in pain and stiffness and an increase in function 6 months after the injection. Ostenil was shown to be non inferior to Synvisc One in this well designed study

London Royal Hospital Study

In a study in the Rheumatology department at the Royal London Hospital, 33 patients with Knee Osteoarthritis from Grade 2 to grade 4 participated in a study comparing Ostenil plus to Synvisc One.

All patients in the study had a decrease in pain score after six months. The age ranges in the study were from 25 to 85. A single dose of Ostenil plus was deemed to be at least as effective, but cheaper than Synvisc one in that study.

Ostenil Injection Frequently Asked Questions

How long Does Ostenil take to Work?

Many patients notice the benefit immediately, but we often recommend it can sometimes take days or weeks to notice full effects. If Patients Still do not feel much improvement after around the 3 week mark, they often need more than one injection, this acts as a ‘Top up.’

How Long Does an Ostenil Injection last?

A single injection of Ostenil in our experience lasts anywhere from 6-8 months. It lasts longer in lower grades of Osteoarthritis. It is safe to top up every 6-12 months

Are there side effects with an Ostenil Injection?

Side-effects with Ostenil injections are rare. It is non-avian based (Synvisc is avian based).
The side-effects cited in the literature tend to be a temporary redness or swelling which settles down after a few days.

Are you an Ostenil Approved Clinic?

Yes, our registration number is 000224. 

MyMSK Clinic Certificate For Ostenil

How is an Ostenil Injection performed at the Clinic?

At MyMSK we aim to ensure that any Injection/procedure is as comfortable and pain free as possible.

We follow strict procedures and policies so that the injection is effective and safe. In most cases we proceed with the following steps:

    • First the area to be injected is located and marked using Ultrasound Guidance

    • Next, this area is cleaned with a sterile antiseptic solution to reduce the risk of infection.

    • A local Anaesthetic is administered to the area to numb the area and make the injection as comfortable as possible.


    • A Plaster is applied and the patient is free to go home as soon as they feel comfortable to do so. The patients advised to avoid washing the area for 24 hours and to ‘rest’ the knee from intense activity for 3-5 days

Image showing Ostenil injected into model of a Knee

How do I Book in to have an Ostenil Injection?

Before patients can have treatment, we would advise you to book in for a Consultation

We will carry out an assessment and physical examination.

We may use an ultrasound machine for a analysis of the joints and tissues in the knee.

If an Ostenil injection is suitable then we can proceed.

To Book in  please Visit our ‘Booking Page’ or call us at 0333 772 9655

You will have the option to book in at the clinic closest to you. Either our clinic in Burnley or Manchester!

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