Neck Pain from Disc Bulge
Neck Pain from Disc Bulge
This condition often presents with pain in the neck spreading down to the shoulder, between the shoulder blades or even down the arm, below the elbow and down to the finger tips
You may be in pain nearly everyday and have tried various modalities to no avail
You may experience a deep aching to burning neck pain and a numbness, tingling, sharp, shooting, electrical type of pain spreading down one or both arms
This may follow an injury you may or may not recall or it may occur gradually over the preceding months
There may be muscle weakness in the arm or hand or changes of sensation in the shoulder or arm region. Often muscle wasting can be present in one arm (Bicep +/- Tricep) compared to the other.
A helpful DIY diagnostic test you can do in your own home is raising your hand behind your head on the painful side. A Cervical Disc problem is likely if you get relief with this motion
There are other more helpful tests but these need to be carried out by a skilled clinician.
The majority of patients with cervical disc problems have shoulder pain. This gets missed regularly by both Doctors and Physios and the focus of treatment becomes the shoulder. Hence the true diagnosis gets delayed and the neck pain becomes more deep seated and harder to resolve
Thorough examination including a neurological examination and early diagnosis is essential to prevent long term neck pain and disability and give you the greatest chance of recovery
An MRI scan is the most helpful scan
Osteopathy is a type of alternative medicine that invloves manual therapy and focuses on improving muscle and bone health
Explore MoreProlotherapy
A regenerative treatment for chronic painful joints and ligaments which involves the injection of a specially formulated solution into damaged tissue.
Explore MoreSpinal Injections
We offer a range of spinal injections that may include Caudal Epidurals, Trigger Point injections, Facet Joint Injections, Sacroiliac Joint injections and Prolotherapy in the Spine.
Explore MoreCortisone Injections
A Cortisone Injection (termed steroid injection in the UK) is an anti inflammatory injection for the joints or body tissue to relieve pain.
Explore MorePlatelet Rich Plasma
PRP treatment can reduce the need for anti-inflammatory medication or strong painkillers with unwanted side effects
Explore MoreFor a detailed assessment of your neck pain
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